
Using APIs to Manage Retail Inventory

We've talked about APIs in Retail before and how it could shape the future. Busy months are ahead (especially for buyers). Buyers do not start a few weeks in advance, but this naturally requires months of planning and analysis of sales data. But how do you get the right data and how do APIs help with this?

We've talked about APIs in Retail before and how it could shape the future. Now there are (especially for buyers) busy months ahead, thinking about:

  • Summer items
  • Back to school
  • Black Friday
  • Cyber ​​Monday
  • Saint Nicholas
  • Christmas

Buyers do not start a few weeks in advance, but this naturally requires months of planning and analysis of sales data. But how do you obtain the correct sales data, how does this relate to the inventory that has been there in that period? Was there sufficient inventory, was there too little or were you left with a surplus of items after the busy periods?

APIs and Inventory Management

APIs (or Application Programming Interfaces) can be used to regulate inventory in stores by providing real-time access to inventory data and enabling automated inventory management. Retail nowadays runs on software and keeping track of inventory requires fewer and fewer manual counts to ensure that the inventory is correct. However, the biggest challenge is to get all the different systems, such as a WMS, TMS, Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, to talk to each other because they store and export the data in a slightly different way. APIs can make this translation for you so that you always have the right information at hand and can build in time-saving automatisms.

Point-of-Sale Integration

One way to use inventory management APIs is to integrate them with the point of sale (POS) system. This enables automatic inventory level updates when products are sold or returned. The API can also trigger alerts when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold, which can then be used to request reordering or restocking.

Also Think Externally

Another approach is to use APIs to integrate with suppliers or distributors. This can enable real-time updates on inventory levels and restocking lead times. APIs can also be used to automate the ordering process, allowing for more efficient and accurate ordering of products.

API's and the Customer Experience

We've talked about an improved customer experience before. APIs can also be used to collect data on sales trends and customer behavior, which can inform inventory management decisions. For example, APIs can be used to track which products are selling well and which are not, so that retailers can adjust their inventory levels accordingly.


Overall, APIs can play an important role in helping retailers optimize their inventory management, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.

We are Here to Help!

As you grow your API program, and start powering business-critical applications and front-end experiences with APIs, you need an effective way to manage and scale them. By using our solutions and knowledge we can get you in the driving seat, show you how to maximize your performance and tackle every challenge you might face in the future! If you want to keep ahead of your competitors and achieve extra flexibility contact us today to explore your possibilities.