
ECS Obtains ISO 27001 Certificate!

Information security is becoming increasingly important. Organizations have to deal with confidential and privacy-sensitive information almost every day. That is why ECS is pleased to announce that we have obtained our ISO 27001 certificate and thus provide a guarantee that your sensitive data is safe and safely processed with us.

Information security is becoming increasingly important. Organizations such as ECS have to deal with confidential and privacy-sensitive information almost every day. It is essential that this information does not get out and that is why we are compelled to safeguard valuable business information and protect privacy. To demonstrate that information security is treated seriously within our organization and that the necessary measures are taken, we have started the process to obtain the ISO 27001 certificate. And we have achieved our Goal!

What is ISO 27001?

The ISO 27001 standard (officially ISO/IEC 27001) is an internationally recognized standard in the field of information security. It is still the fastest growing standard today. The standard describes how we as an organization can set up information security in a process-based manner. By obtaining ISO 27001 certification, we as an organization demonstrate that we meet all requirements and that we have taken measures against information security risks. In other words, the information security within our organization is in order.

Why ISO 27001 and What Does it Mean for You?

ISO 27001 is not an end in itself, but a means with which we want to show the outside world that we have all risks in the field of information security under control. But why is that so important to us and actually also to you?:

  1. We meet the requirements of you and other (potential) customers - As mentioned, information security is becoming increasingly important. Our customers and prospects are therefore also making increasingly strict demands on the handling of their data. It goes without saying that you want to prevent your confidential information from being exposed and that your data is therefore treated with care. An ISO 27001 certificate is the objective and independent proof with which we as an organization demonstrate that we are seriously and structurally involved with information security. Your confidential information is safe with us.
  2. It takes our organization to a higher level - An ISO 27001 certification is not only a plus for our customers, but also a support to our organization:
  3. We review our policies and procedures;
  4. It helps us achieve our business goals;
  5. We are able to serve you better;
  6. By setting up a management system and arranging a continuous improvement process, ISO 27001 gives our organization even more structure and contributes to our growth;
  7. Protects our image, but also that of our customers - Because we are continuously working on taking measures to reduce the risks associated with information security, there is less chance of incidents. This is our proactive approach to controlling and keeping security risks under control, rather than being reactive. This considerably reduces the chance of reputational damage and because your confidential information is safe with us, it also has a positive impact on your image.
  8. Comply with European laws and regulations - As an organisation, we have to deal with a lot of legislation and regulations in the field of information security and privacy. Both at national and European level. By obtaining an ISO 27001 certificate, we have ensured that ECS International complies with the relevant laws and regulations in the field of information security, including the AVG legislation.


At ECS International we were already proud of our working method, services, products and the safety and convenience that we could already guarantee our customers. Now that we have obtained the ISO 27001 certificate, this is only a nice confirmation for us that your confidential information is safe with us and is also processed safely. Would you like to know more about our secure services and products? Navigate at the top of the menu to view all options and contact us today.